Monday, 3 November 2014

5 Steps to Become Healthy

Everyone wants to have a healthy body. Controlling the mind so as not to stress, maintain food intake and exercising are some ways to help be more physically and mentally healthy. A person can not be healthy in an instant because of new healthy lifestyle is usually felt in the long-term results. But you can be healthier  by following these steps. The thing to remember, is to live a healthy lifestyle for all. Not as a fad. Consider the following tips, as quoted from the Health Me Up.

1. Diet patterns
Keep your food intake and adjust your diet. Choose foods that are not too different from what is usually consumed. However there are a few things to note:
- Adjust eating in moderation, not too much and not too little. - Reduce salt intake because too much salt can lead to hypertension and fluid build-up in the body.
- Avoid fried foods. Fried foods generally contain trans fat and saturated fat if consumed in excess can be harmful to the heart. Not to mention the high fat can make you faster limp.
- Reduce consumption of junk food because it contains few nutrients but high in calories. The habit of eating junk food can lead to obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol and even lead to cancer.

- Drink enough water at least eight glasses a day. But can be customized with your daily activities (could be a little or a lot more).

2. Sport
Exercise routine with cardio exercise and weight training. Both are important in weight loss. Maximal exercise was 45 minutes each days. If you are very busy, Gym 3 times a week was enough. The important thing was to get the body to move, because man is created to be physically active. Expand the number of footsteps, select up stairs rather than escalators or roving the mall for about 30 minutes.

3. Hydration
Drink enough water to keep urine clear colour. Because the colour of urine to determine the adequacy of the water in the body. Increasingly clear or coloured, then the adequacy of the water is good. While urine is cloudy and dark yellow brown no indication even likely you are dehydrated. Regardless of whether you are taking medication or not. Because the consumption of drugs can sometimes make the urine changes colour. Total water demand could increase if you exercise. When working out a time to drink every 5-8 minutes.

4. Improve Body Immune System

Sick, or less fit body can mess up your fitness program and diet. Valerie Waters, celebrity fitness instructor and author of the book 'Red Carpet Ready' suggests, improve immune system by consuming enough vitamin C. Choose natural sources of vitamin C such as citrus fruits, mango, kiwi, grape, lemon and strawberry.

5. Enough sleep 
According to Luigi Ferrucci, director of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Ageing, sleep is one of the most important functions for our body. Bedtime because the body uses to regulate and heal cells. Liver filter also works in nutrients and separate them to be absorbed or excreted out of the body. Try not to sleep less than six hours a day at night time.

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