Friday, 31 October 2014

Healthy Eating Habits

Health is wealth. We take our health for granted, until its gone. Here are the tips that will make your health a world of difference.

Eat at fixed hours: 

Eat at fixed hours everyday. If you follow this advice regularly, you will be far healthier than your peers. Don't wait  till you have reached the age of grandmother/grandfather. Begin now so the next generation can say of you : " Hell, no ! That ain't my mother, that's my grandmother"

Increase soyabean consumption:

Most of us know soyabean are excellent providers of nutrients , but how many of us each this rich food? An easy way to include soyabean in our diet is to add 500 gm of soyabean to 10 kg of wheat before it is milled. Eat these soya plus wheat chapatthis instead of regular  wheat chapatthis for a healthy, nutritious option.

Reduce meat consumption:

Avoid eating too much of chicken and red meat. Fish is fine, as it is highly rich in protein. Others meat are not as easy to digest. Ever notice how doctors advice certain patients to stop consuming non-vegetarian food, as they advance in age. That's because these people system can no longer take so much meat. The human body was not built to consume flesh, which is why humans have to ultimately switch to shakahari(vegetarian) food.

Enjoy your meal:

  • Don't rush through your meals.
  • Chew your food properly, so that your system finds it easier to digest.
  • Have a lively conversation during meals.
  • Don't watch television , instead listen to music while eating.
  • Enjoying a meal is actually far healthier than eating when depressed or anxious.

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